Dearest Readers:
I have never been too keen on team sports. Except polo, my first love. A full 8 chukkas on an outside ground.
Politics is not polo and my interest wains. Nevertheless, as we handicap polo games, politics is a local team sport that I must make remark of when one side gains a distinct game changing advantage over another.
Such is the case now with CAO Doug Smith in City Hall.
Most recently, in the primary elections he supported Trudy McFall, who went on to betray the entire Democratic slate in the general election. Then, less than 3 weeks before the general election, Josh Cohen's own campaign, in a phone poll, id'ed him as a Republican Dave Cordle supporter. Even now he posts self serving political rants on right wing blogs that have never supported local Democratic candidates.
One can only imagine the County and City Republican Central Committee's glee at having one of their own in power in City Hall. Sitting next to Democratic Central Committee Member and former Chair Gail Smith. Observing and reporting every move of the Democrat Josh Cohen. And every policy of the administration that might provide an advantage to his team.

Does Cohen expect Democrats to believe this? Could he really be this naive? Or is he somehow in on the game?
There is no doubt it will be a very difficult election for Mike Busch in Annapolis City:
-- Busch won District 30 in 2006 by only 500 votes.
-- Toxins from Zina Pierre's failed effort are still in the stew.
-- General African American anger about their neglect in the new Cohen Administration and their treatment in the local paper.
-- It is unlikely a far right wing nut like the 'Constitution Party' will emerge to suck 2,100 votes off the Republican base as happened in 2006.
-- Ellen Moyer's political machine is in mothballs.
-- Busch's political machine is moribund with the departure of Sarah Flynn and an unclear campaign organization.
-- A national political sentiment that will likely curve right.
Josh's own political organization is poor, held together last fall by Kathy Nieberding, AFSCME and some bailing wire. None of these will be involved in Annapolis this year (except, perhaps, the bailing wire).

How this incredulous situation could develop is beyond many observers. Most chalk it up to gross errors in judgement by young Mayor Cohen. Added to this is Cohen's perplexing early endorsement of Judd Legum while nary a word about Messr. John Astle, Mike Busch, and Mme. Virginia Clagett.
Surely the ABC's and the Governor are smarter than this. Yet they appear to have lost control of the young man and the political situation in Annapolis.
So, bully for the R's. Their man inside the Democratic machine will be radioing confidential intel to his team. The final nail in the Democrat's coffin that they could not achieve at the ballot box.
Herr Smith, you've done it again.
Advantage in this chukka - R's!
King of George
Amazing stuff. Josh appears to have lost all control of the City - and in all ways. In management, in moral leadership and in politics.
ReplyDeleteHow could things have gotten so bad so fast?
Dear Reader:
ReplyDeletePlease understand that the King's politcal associations extend only to the Know Nothing Party. (We won Maryland in 1856 for Millard Fillmore, but that piker James Buchanan held the day nationally. A sad day for nativists and reprobates everywhere.)
So I care nary a hoot about the political fortunes of the principals in our Ancient Citte.
King of George
Dearest King,
ReplyDeleteI believe what your are trying to your explain to your adoring readers is the fundamental realignment going on in Annapolis and environs. We already know the County has succumbed to the rising red tide wealth brings along with it.
Mayor Cohen has wisely understood the fundamental dynamic of the Center Right shift of the electorate as Annapolis has grown wealthy over the years with a generous infusion of Trust Fund Babies, Upscale Urbanites & Washingtonians that have come to dominate our fair city...
Yes it is difficult for left leaning Democrats these days to grasp the change as the Tea party types team up with the Elite to throw out the generous spenders, sappers and the government lush class of yesteryear which have been so well represented by former Mayor Moyer and her hanger-ons.
Smith and his entourage in Ward One are the future and the sooner the Democrats realize this and shift to the right the better off they will be. The days of big spending are over.
President Obama has even grasped the rightward shift with his Afghanistan Surge Continental Shelf drill baby drilling & protecting his ongoing friends at Citibank.
Yes times are changing but not in the way the old guard expects. Casinos in Annapolis are probably close at hand to reduce the tax burden on the Wealthy to go along with 2AM closing of all bars.
Yeah! Casinos in Annapolis just like in the County!
ReplyDeleteCan we get a casino in Ward One?
ReplyDeleteThere already is a casino there...if you know where to look!
ReplyDeleteDoug Smith runs one in his basement!
ReplyDeleteA horse track along with table games at the Annapolis Roads Golf Course would make sense and help keep taxes low. We conservatives like casinos to solve revenue shortfalls for the government. Maybe increase taxes on liquor 25 cents per drink/beer if there are going to be more 2 AM licenses - that will raise some money.
ReplyDeleteDearest Readers:
ReplyDeleteOf course the King supports ponies and gambling. But to tax the King's refreshments?
King of George
King of George - What happened to all of the wingnuts who normally post ? Have you driven them away...?
ReplyDeleteDearest Anon:
ReplyDeleteWe have insituted our new 'no wing nut' policy.
Bully for us!
King of George