Fellow Historics:
When the King thinks of islands, he remembers his youth on the Isle of Wight. A lovely place, certainly the envy of the elite around the world. Sailing and other distractions occupy days while pubs and games of chance occupy nights. In fact, it was the starting point for the Ark and the Dove on their voyage to someplace called 'Mary-land'.
So the King was taken with a local television report last week about other islands. The City of Baltimore is placing floating islands into their harbour. They float because they are made up of bundled plants. And these same plants remove nitrogen out of the water. Schools help maintain them and the National Aquarium tends them:
On the once-scenic Anacostia River in Washington DC they have also adopted such floating islands. To help clean up that degraded river.
It's a new thing we're told.
Well, it turns out that it isn't so new. Former Mayor Ellen Moyer had some of these floating islands slated for Annapolis' near-dead creeks. But this Spring their small cost was cut by Mayor Cohen. At the behest of his environmental 'Idea Team'. Chaired by Chris Trumbauer.

The largest sell out of environmental programs in the City's history. Perhaps in Maryland's history.
And it's a fact that Mr. Trumbauer was completely silent about his mentor's historic harm to his now beloved environment.

Bully Mr. Trumbauer!
You are correct to push back on these fancy organic islands and to support Mayor Cohen's historic defilement.
Who needs clean creeks? Like a jaunt from Cowes to Newport on the Isle, I want to be able to walk from the Historic Core to Eastport.
Across the dead zones Mr. Trumbauer has created.
King of George
What a flight of fancy, dear King. More! More!
ReplyDeleteI know the king doth like more taxes levied on the plebs, but the rabble balk at such scurulous thievery. So, why don't we hear more about young Trumbauer's promise to the teachers (in order to get their pitiable endorsement) that he will vote to lift the sacrosanct PROPERTY TAX. This tax is the only thing that has held back our elected blood suckers from taxing us from our homes! And why haven't we heard the town crier bellowing about the other taxes this knave Trumbauer will foist upon the mob: bottle tax, plastic bag tax, lawn tax, toilet tax, even a tax if we want to add another room on our humble abode to make room for more beasts of burden? We need another Peggy Stewart burning! We must man the barricades against this attempt by a would be king to steal from the poor in order to "save the bay". The bay needs no more of my hard-earned money. And Trumbauer is a wolf in sheep's clothing! Off with his head!
ReplyDeleteI agree...
ReplyDeleteScratch off lottery tickets, casinos and liquor bottles thrown in the trash are so much more preferable - it is so much easier to throw away trash in the dump and treat land as a resource to burn & make money form -- like in north county. We need more strip centers, wider roads and more parking. Who cares about the water - I don't go here.
Dearest King,
ReplyDeleteThe teabaggers, such as 11:11 above would have us swim in filth and choke on the choleric vapors of our sullied waterways. It's vital that we reject their vile practices and demand better sanitation.
Are you willing to pay a thousand dollars or more a year in taxes? I thought the flush tax was supposed to clean the sewerage? Why all these other taxes?
ReplyDeletelower my taxes and screw the environment.
ReplyDeleteA thousand dollars or more per year? The flush tax is less than $2 month. It's unfortunate that people have to lie in order to advance their cause.
ReplyDeleteLet's tax liquor to pay for the environment.
that's progressive...
Can we have craps, roulette, black jack and the big six wheel in downtown Annapolis to lower our taxes? It would only be fair. Why does Anne Arundel County get all the revenue?
ReplyDeleteInsane King George III
ReplyDeleteKing George III (known as the king who lost America), was born in 1738. King George III's father, the Prince of Wales died when he was young. When George III was 22, in 1760, his grandfather, George II, died. On September 8th, 1761 he married Princess Charlotte Sophia from Mecklenburg-Strelitz, in Germany and on September 22nd, 1761, George III became the King of England. George himself was of partial German ancestry. George and Charlotte had 15 children, one of whom, George IV would be the next king.
King George III sat upon the throne of England from 1760-1820. It was on his watch that the American colonies were lost. King George III, after the French and Indian War, had large debts to pay, and thought he could extract the necessary money from the colonies. King George was incensed when the insolent American colonists objected to the taxes being levied, particularly the Stamp Act. When the Stamp Act was repealed, King George flew into a rage. King George thought the colonists should be dealt with harshly for their disobedience and insolence. Using his profound influence, he pushed through the Townshend Acts, in 1766, taxing many commodity items including tea resulting in the infamous Boston Tea Party. King George was eventually humbled as the American colonies successfully became the United States Of America. Other colonies began to rebel after America's success and King George remained embroiled in one conflict or another for many years.
George III inherited more than just the throne. He also had the royal hereditary disease porphyria which had afflicted Mary Queen of Scots. She passed it to her son, King James I of England. Porphyria is caused by the insufficient production of hemoglobin. The symptoms are photosensitivity, strong abdominal pain, port wine colored urine and paralysis in the arms and legs. The interruption of nerve impulses to the brain causes the development of psychiatric symptoms. Finally, epileptic convulsions occur and the patient sinks into a coma. George III's first attack occurred in 1765, four years after his marriage to Queen Charlotte. From 1811 to the time of his death in 1820 he became progressively insane and blind. He spent his time in isolation, and was often kept in straight jackets and behind bars in his private apartments at Windsor Castle.
King George III died in 1820, at the age of 82, and his son, George IV, succeeded him. Other members of the far-flung royal family who suffered from this hereditary disease were Queen Anne of Great Britain; Frederic the Great of Germany; George IV of Great Britain--son of George III; and George IV's daughter, Princess Charlotte, who died of the disease at childbirth.
King of George is the only one to tell us the true news of Annapolis.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that Joshua Stewart also speaks the truth
It is only the King that remains pure, though John is pretty even handed and level headed.
ReplyDeleteAnnapolis Sound's voice is interesting yet distracted while buying into the same old "sky is falling" line. They have a chance to grow out of it.
ReplyDeleteAnnapolis Sound is great. They are righteously critical of our lame, weak, incompetent, verbose, boy-mayor.
ReplyDeleteit appears we have suppressed the boy mayor and made him frightened to do anything. He is no longer able to move for fear of our wrath.
ReplyDeleteRecall Cohen Now!!!*
paid for by the Alliance for the Removal of Cohen before he screws the pooch
Pip Moyer just endorsed Trumbauer as Civil War breaks out in the Annapolis Democratic Party between the rump group of Moyerites (the Ellen O. wing) & newbie Cohenistas.
ReplyDeleteMike Busch is shaking Ferrar's hand on State Circle - see link: http://chuckferrar.blogspot.com/2010/08/mike-busch-and-chuck.html
I just read this on hometownannapolis. I wanted to cut and paste it here before they deleted it. Obviously this is what the people that post their are like when they have their hoods on :
ReplyDeleteedgewater is safe - 2010-09-05 00:18:54
I worked in edgewater when I was 15, and believe me it is probably one of the safest areas in the county. My first day of work there was a Klan rally on mayo rd. Plus the Klansmen would all sit at Hardees 24/7. If you were there, you wouldn't want any trouble. And they always get their man.
Paul Foer is evil and rotten but he is soundly against Trumpetblower ( Cohen-the-boy's boy and for someone else. Therefore, Paul is not inherently evil and a positive force in the disgusting world of politics. Speaking of politics,if any of you think Cohen was not behind the ruination of Zina think again, we have transcripts of private phone conversations that we can't yet release. How do you spell pond scum ? C-o-h-e-n , J-o-s-h
ReplyDeleteI agree with Tina. anyone that is against anything our boy-mayor is for is working toward advancing the will of the people. Therefore, I an unequivocally FOR Foer until such time as he reversing his tone,
ReplyDeleteI have to agree that Paul is on the right track by despising Trumbauer.
ReplyDeletefoer + moyerites = ...
ReplyDeletePeople, please appreciate Foer's ability to see and comment on the goofball that is our Mayor.
ReplyDeletePaul is too jew-centric. He does not appreciate the hell that the Israelis are putting the native palestinians through. Paul is evil and mean-spirited.
ReplyDeleteSure I look like a pitbull and smell sort of like gefilte fish mixed with blue cheese, but forgive me as I am an artist.
ReplyDeletedisgusting commentary...
ReplyDeletevile and pernicious yet somehow appropriate.
ReplyDeleteTrumbauer was a drop out independent (did he even vote in the past?)and Ferrar is a republican posing as a democrat - great choice !