Gentle Readers:
The King is constantly amazed that some people just don't get a simple fact about the Ancient Citte: democracy just doesn't work here.

Yesterday, again, we had to listen to the plaintive whining of another citizen of the outer wards who thinks that the people who cast the ballots somehow should have a say in their government. Someone named Scott Lowe wrote a Letter to the Editor decrying the Cohen Administration's absent mindedness of the people who elected him.
He mentioned that young Mayor Cohen lost Ward One in the November election. Yet decidedly won Wards 3,4 and 6. After getting elected, Mr. Cohen went on to appoint Herr Smith as City CAO.

(Is this a new group? How do I join!)
Dear Mr. Lowe, you just don't get it. In a class-based political system, such as we have in Annapolis, it is not important who voted for you. At all costs, elected officials are not to carry forward their agenda.
They are to carry forward the agenda of the class to whom they aspire. In Annapolis that means the agenda of the elite of Historic Core. Aka: me.
Of course, his efforts will ultimately fail. He cannot be accepted as a full member of this club. We're way too exclusive for that.
But we will give him a few points for effort.
And, perhaps, he could join us for a meal or two on 'guest nights'.
King of George
Hear, Hear !
ReplyDeleteI second that motion, Heah,Heah! and I might add most appropriately said... It is soon time for my afternoon nap and I will weigh in more detail later...
ReplyDeleteWhy do we even bother with the outer wards? They are just a nuisance and we have no common interests. Let the County have them and revoke the Charter for Annapolis surely is a failed experiment.