Dearest Friends:

By her own hand these letters have begun to surface in mailboxes of Democratic activists and friends across the Ancient Citte. Facts that no one but the former Mayor could bring up.

Yet the King could not really care less who did what to whom and why. It's mid July. Aren't we allowed to have a little respite during our summer doldrums? We really don't need any more literary fisticuffs.
I'll wait for the movie version.
King of George
Let the political bloodsport begin...
ReplyDeleteCohen is a spoiled idiot and we will ruin his political career.
ReplyDeleteMoyer is on FI-YO!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's "could not care less", dear King.
ReplyDeleteDear Mssr Paca:
ReplyDeleteSwitching 'tween languages can be so hard. I oft fumble.
Mille gracie!
King of George
At least Cohen did not raise taxes..
ReplyDeletetrain wreck or not...
thank you josh.
He did not raise taxes, he borrowed money. Financial genius.
ReplyDeleteAt least he did not lay off any upper-middle class white people.
Elections matter.
ReplyDeleteErections Splatter.
ReplyDeleteMoyers Destroyers have returned.
ReplyDeleteDelusional and/or incompetent is the only way to describe this letter.
ReplyDeleteAuditors only determine if the math is correct. They do not pass judgement on policy decisions.
It's a simple fact that Moyer used $5 million out of the capital budget for operating expenditures, while also failing to put money in the budget for known expenses, like the Rec Center.
The only way Moyer maintained her wreckless spending and the bond rating was to dramatically raise taxes - which she did.
Once the tax increase gravy train was over, the train wreck was inevitable.
The train wreck is Cohen. He is an incompetent boy who only seems to be able to establish groups of peoples to give him ideas which he fails to implement.
ReplyDeleteRecall boy Cohen.
Lonnie Moyer for Mayor!
ReplyDeleteInteresting that the lad in charge of steering the City's financial ship, that scallywag Timothy Elliot, is still at the helm after he steered the ships onto the rocks. Me doth remember him spouting loudly about the financial soundness of our fair city's direction while serving Queen Ellen, and then he changed course and chortled endlessly about our financial ruin upon being anointed by Prince Cohen. It reminds me of the time, under King Al when several of the Dukes absconded with money from the King's treasury ands then were asked by the feeble King to investigate the crime. ‘Tis a good gig if one can find it. And then to add insult to injury, Master Elliot allows $150,000 of the citizens’ hard earned lucre to be pilfered in broad daylight from within the secure confines of the City's vault. It's a wonder the man still has his head.
ReplyDeleteAnd even more curious, I overheard a conversation last night in an Irish pub – no doubt the fantasy of some potato-headed fool – that the civil servants let go by the Master Executioner, the Black Douglas, have retained barristers claiming that their clients' firing was illegal under the City Charter. The rumor is that Black Douglas did indeed exceed his legal authority and that the City has been forced to pay a pretty penny in order to settle the sorry affair. If true, then the layoffs did end up costing the city more than t'would have been spent merely keeping the miserable wretches at their desks. But who really knows? The paper doth seem enamored with the young prince and creates the illusion that he can do know wrong.
How can Moyer deny the fiscal condition the city was left in, when they were unable to make payroll, immediately after she left. The idea that Cohen or Smith suddenly created the fiscal crisis simply denies reality.
ReplyDeleteIf Moyer were smart, she'd just keep quiet. Every time she opens her mouth, it's a reaffirmation of her incompetence and dishonesty regarding the budget.
Bottom line Cohen did not raise taxes & cut some gov't fat - maybe there are more cuts to of gov't to come rather than paying rent with the company credit card.
ReplyDeleteBotton line, cohen is out of his comfort zone and does not have the skill set needed to be Mayor. Let us not forget he was kicked out of St John's, was unable to complete his master's degree, and has a genberal history of mediocrity and has no real world experience.
ReplyDeleteSimply put, he is a failure as a man, and a politician.
Josh is really just the city's version of the navy's Billy the Goat.
ReplyDeleteJosh is a nice guy.
ReplyDeleteWhen are we gonna get our 2AM bars we have been wanting forever ?
ReplyDelete"Josh is a nice guy"
ReplyDeleteahhhhh, that's so sweet, really.
There won't be any 2 am's. Folks still haven't figured out that the provision that they seek to amend is not the operative provision. There is no ban on 2 am's outside the historic core. So, using Eastport as an example, why is there only one 2am? Once you figure out the answer then you will understand why what the Council will do will be of no matter.
ReplyDeleteI see that the City has already overspent the first quarter budget by nearly $4 million. Better sell the Stanton Center, The Rec Center, and City Hall.
But Tim Elliott says all is well. Lot's of money coming in in October.
"He did not raise taxes, he borrowed money. Financial genius.
ReplyDeleteAt least he did not lay off any upper-middle class white people."
TIme fire the white guys !!!!
Might as well sell the Markethouse too... get that sick monkey off our back.
ReplyDeleteJust keep cutting the Government and make it live within its means - they don't get it we don't have the money - it's not like City Hall can't get more efficient & trim the fat rather than being a hands off protected class with every day off you can imagine and very flexible hours & supper nice Cadillac benefits. I guess the government worker unions get the right pols elected to feed the ongoing bloat.
ReplyDeleteIt is time for a revolution and make them work for we the people.
Ellen Moyer's Finance Director Tim Elliott has got to go.
ReplyDeleteMoyer is gone and Cohen is hre and now so get used to it. Cohen cuts Gov't Moyer expanded Gov't and wanted expensive Rain Gardens, Parks, Rec Centers, Video Studios, etc...
ReplyDeleteAs well as her many, many, many "Contract" patronage workers to do her political bidding.
Doug Smith cuts Gov't and makes the City live within its means...
Cohen/Smith are the future while Moyer is the past.
Cohen is the future of what ? idiots in office.
ReplyDeleteRecall Cohen.
Cohen doesn't tax us while Moyerites love to spend. Those days are gone - long live Doug Smith!
ReplyDeleteJosh got over the first hurdle. Now watch, the line will come out that there is nothing they can do BUT raise taxes.
ReplyDeleteHe will squawk that he did all he could--laid off employees, cut overtime, cut services, etc.