Fellow Historics:
What could be more American than money and politics?
Courtesy of my trust funds, I never have to worry about cash. My trustees make sure I am disbursed the appropriate amount to fund my consumption. Polo ponies and jet fuel included. Although I never use my monies for crass political purposes.

Others may not be so fortunate. A noted Republican and former State elected official is offering to spread money around. $12,000 in fact. Offered to leaders of the African American community. To help 'get out the vote' for Republicans in the fall.
Of course, Republicans have no intention to 'get out the vote' from African American precincts. They know what would happen if they actually did this: they would lose.

But they have every intention to suppress the Democrat's votes from African American precincts this fall. In other words, they pay for you to do nothing. Sit on your hands and not to vote. Along with your friends and family.
This may be a very good tactic for them. Mike Busch won D-30 in 2006 by 500 votes. Cutting back Democrat turnout in Wards 2,3,4 and 6 by 10% would be enough to do him in.
The Republicans have spreadsheets. And they know this.

Of course, dear Team Thirty has other issues as well. The lack of a whacked out right wing candidate to drain 2,000 votes off the Republican base, the Moyer machine mothballed, Cohen's lack of organization and horrible political decision making, lack of an African American on the ballot, the general disgust of Zina Pierre followers with the process, the diaspora in public housing that has created huge under registrations, a newspaper that has become openly supportive of all things Republican and a general anti-incumbent attitude. To name a few.
So what is a mere $12,000 dropped into the middle of this political miasma? Enough to turn the tide?
God Bless America!
What cannot be earned can sometimes be bought.
King of George
Try and scare 'em to the polls eh... Ha! -- Well it ain't gonna work. We the People are gonna elect the little guy or gal who is hard working and doesn't get benefits from gov't or is employed by them or their unions. She or or He's gonna do the cuttin'that needs to be done and it ain't gonna be no fat cat rolling in a bed of roses Republican either...
ReplyDeleteThey are worse...
What's wrong with a little paid vote suppression of the minority as a form of free speech for the majority ? They don't have to take the money do they ?
ReplyDeleteSeems like a felony.
ReplyDeleteDo any of you notice how dissenting opinions are summarily deleted by KOG?
ReplyDeleteThis isn't a blog that invites thinking or ideas. It's propoganda, pure and simple.
You would find similar blogs in China, North Korea, the Soviet Union or Iran.
Where's the outrage that you find one right here in Annapolis?
No, I never noticed that. But I did notice that Paul Foer is a butthead, and the opinions posted by HometownAnnapolis readers are promarily of a racist nature.
ReplyDeleteYae, yea... but back to the main subject - Is it true the Republicans are buying off African American activists. Is this legal ?
ReplyDeleteHow many former State elected Republican officials are kicking around Annapolis ? There are only a few names in the burbs. The local paper won't cover it as they want to protect their own.
ReplyDeleteDearest Readers:
ReplyDeleteIf you post whacked out racist, sexist or other Foeresque rants, they will be deleted. No freedom of insanity here. We are certainly not a public service!
Also, yes you are right. It is a very very limited number of people.
King of George
ReplyDeletePolice Pepper Spray Crowd!
Dearest Eye:
ReplyDeleteYes, there is one APD officer in particular who enjoys beating those talk back or otherwise objecting to their treatment at his hands. He even has a robust nickname, which the King will not repeat here.
A group of the elite were on my yacht last night at the end of the Ego Allee. But saw nothing of course. The King does not have social intercourse with the common classes.
King of George
Probably Murray Hill kids...
ReplyDeleteI saw the soon to be ex wife of Paul Foer walking around with her offspring and their dog. Foer was nowhere to be found. Apparently she has the dog to keep him away!
ReplyDeleteDoesn't anyone care an election is in the process of being hijacked ?
ReplyDeleteDidn't Christman do this several years ago?
ReplyDeleteElection sin this City have been hijacked for time imemorial. Jusst look back to the last one when the chosen one did not win--the ADCC stepped up to the altar and sacrificed Zina Pierre
ReplyDelete'tis true about Zina. We would have been much better off with her 'at the helm' ( as Josh would say). She was much more seasoned and had a much broader knowledge on how the world operates. The racist machine rejected her and somehow the People were kept from rising up and dismantling the town. And what have we now, the same old people, headed by a dolt, with the same tired ideas, ..... only now we have someone and something to laugh at .
ReplyDeleteThe Dems rejected Zina, because she couldn't win with her financial troubles. Are you suggesting that the Dems rejected her because she's black?
ReplyDeleteThe Dems rejected Zina, because they thought she couldn't win, with her financial troubles. So, I guess you're suggesting that the Democrat party is a "racist machine".
ReplyDeleteWe must look at he who benefited from her loss to see the racist machine.
ReplyDeleteRepublican paranoid fantasies abound...
ReplyDeleteZina would have run away with the election had the central committee allowed her to do so. But the mostly white board including Josh's currently appointed to a city job assistant and another ardent Josh supporter saw to it that there was NO discussion from the other candidates who were interested in being considered. Ask McFall, Ask Renault, they submitted but were rebuffed. No, Josh was the chosen one and when he could not deliver, the central committee needed to do it for him.
ReplyDeleteJosh must be stopped before he ruins us.
ReplyDeleteRecall Cohen.
rumor has it their is going to be a federal investigation into campaign improprieties in the Cohen camp
ReplyDeleteRumor has it the States Attorney is looking into Republican vote suppression.
ReplyDeleteYou're right; maybe a bunch of Republican votes were supressed last election.
ReplyDeleteBut, the bigger issue is how Zina was thrown out by her own party, because the Dems (all the way up to Busch) thought she couldn't win. So, they exposed her financial problems and installed Josh - the chosen one.
It's yet another example of the Dems breaking the rules to throw out one candidate and put in another, when they thought the candidate elected in the primary would lose.
The Dems do this pretty much every election. Those pesky voters keep getting in their way.
Maybe Zina should run as a Republican since the Republicans seem to like her so much... The Party is so strong in Annapolis and so very inclusive.
ReplyDeleteCohen is the anti-christ, in fact he is acting just like a neo-con republican complete with all white administrators.
ReplyDeleteDoes the Dem30 or the ADCC have any polling data they'd like to share? Worried eh?
ReplyDeleteAll white administrators? Milburn, Hardwick, Watkins-Eldredge, Makayuka surref.
ReplyDeleteWhat positions are "Milburn, Hardwick, Watkins-Eldredge, Makayuka surref" in ? What are their salaries compared to whites ?
ReplyDeleteHow many of those fired by Cohen were black ? How many of the people that worked around the notorious stolen money plot were white and not fired ? why was tear gas used on black citizens on the 4th of july. Annapolis is not friendly to african americans, blacks, or people of color.
ReplyDeleteRacism is very much a part of the downtown annapolis way. Blacks are not welcome or encouraged to take part in the town, they are pepper sprayed and shunned by waitresses and bartenders. This blog can not be racist as it is simply a venue to expose the racism and racists that make up this southern town. Next thing you know we will have photos of APD using k-9's and fire hoses against 14 and 16 year old african american youths.
ReplyDeleteNo, Paul Foer is racist, this blog is righteous. Annapolis hates balck people. First Zina, then failure to fire the white person in charge of the stolen loot, then the wanton use of tear gas on black youths, ...not to mention the constant disregard of blacks by the annapolis waiting staff.
ReplyDeleteMilburn is Director of HR
ReplyDeleteHardwick is City Attorney
The name you can't pronounce is Director of Transportation
All are $100000 + jobs and to be honest if you look at the racial breakdown of the population I bet it is pretty equivalent.
anny is right, especially with respect to foer, he hates kirby, finlayson, and hoyle, he hates the projects, basically he hates all blacks, Coehn has no blacks on his staff or in the highest paid positions, transportation which serves blacks mostly has been ignored for years. it;s a white world in annapolis, and class warfare can't be far away.
ReplyDeletea square ring ? please explain. and what is a Weikel ?
ReplyDeleteI agree that blacks are not welcomed in many establishments. That is why it seems ironic that a champion of the community is fighting for 2am liquor licenses for establishments where blacks are not welcomed. Racism is not overt, its just folks aren't made to feel comfortable being there. Go into any of the pubs. Very few black faces, though there are some minorities in the kitchen, but they are hispanic.
ReplyDeleteSeparate and unequal describes the racial situation in Annapolis.
ReplyDeleteOnly hear can we hear the truth about the bold white line that exist between white annapolis and black annapolis. They will have to do more than word service to erase the hostility and hatred toward blacks in downtown annapolis.
ReplyDeleteAnnapolis has race & class issues that when combined with the recent decade long rise in real estate prices effectively locks out the working man and woman from living in the State Capital.
ReplyDeleteIf public housing and illegal immigrants were shut down, as some conserrvatives want, there would be nobody to provide essential services locally as all workers would need to commute and park to get to work while living far away in cheaper areas.
Cutting the bus system, public housing and rounding up all the illegal immigrants would not be in the best interest of the City yet this is what many want in their quest for purification and shutting down of businesses that are a nuisance which generate trash, noise and congestion.