Fellow Historics:
Word has reached the King's ears today that has him most perturbed.
It appears Aldermen Kenneth A. Kirby is floating a trial balloon. He is suggesting that another indignity be foisted on the suffering residents of the Historic Core. And this one is targeted upon the most vulnerable amongst us: our pets.

You see, Alderman Kirby's bleeding heart has made him aware of something. That US servicemen and women are being put in harm's way. While the rest of us languish in luxury back here in the states.
His solution to this problem is to draft the dogs of Annapolis. But not just any dogs. The dogs of Ward One.

"Why" he explained "should the young people of our nation risk their life and limb when the spoiled and pampered pets of the Ward Oners get a deferment?" He envisions the dogs of Ward One sniffing out car bombs, staffing check points and running needed supplies and ammo through Taliban controlled territory.
And, he stated, if you don't want to volunteer your dog then it will be drafted.

Of course, Alderman Kirby, dream on. The elite of the Core will simply buy up the mongrels of Wards 2 through 8 and send them over in dear Fido's place. Like we did during the War of Northern Aggression when we paid others to fight for us.
The dogs of Ward One shall remain pampered and well tended to.
Now, as far as the cats of the Core are concerned...
King of George
I think the spca is overcrowded--send those mutts out.
ReplyDeleteDogs, Afganistan, Kirby?
ReplyDeleteGive me a break. We need to stop this madness now.
Before Foer becomes involved.
All this blog does is smear me. It was a fair comparison when I compared Leopold to Hitler. I don't hate black politicians because they are black. I hate black politicians because they are wrong.
ReplyDeleteDear Readers:
ReplyDeleteThe topic here is the commandeering of the dogs of the Historic Core for military purposes. Not Mr. Foer's recent indiscretions.
Our dogs are so much more important than Mr. Foer.
King of George
but wait, Foer is a dog and Kirby has more than enough reason to want to send him their to sniff bombs. Paul does not like black people because they are wrong. that necessarily means Paul is right all the time. I'm with Kirby send dogs to Iraq or send paul to a dog park to tangle with a PTSD diseased rent-a cop.
ReplyDeletePolitics does indeed make strange bedfellows.
ReplyDeleteThe side benefit of drafting the "Dogs of Ward One" is not immediately apparent to all -- however should this happen, it will result in a quieter historic core. Quietness is a fine and good thing for naps in our beautiful & cozy downtown and in keeping with the historic charm of the place.
The yapping dogs next door and across the street certainly disturbs the peaceful use and quiet enjoyment of our properties and Mr. Kirby has come up with yet another issue that resonates with some of us down here.
He has proved to be a skilled Legislator and I wholeheartedly support his efforts to require us to have some skin in the game in Foreign Wars.
It is the patriotic thing to do after all -- and while he is at it perhaps Mr. Kirby could take up illegal immigration next as we generally do not like strange people hanging around downtown looking suspicious.
Maybe we could ship the immigrants out along with the Dogs of Ward One.
I have found cats to be the preferable domesticated animal downtown and a fine substitute for canines for those who simply must have a pet.
Impeach Kirby & Cohen!
ReplyDeleteCohen and Kirby must go!
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of sending Foer into the war in a first wave. Then we will send our dogs in.
ReplyDeleteFoer should be forced to interact with Kirby face to face so Foer can learn to love again. Woof !!! War would be a perfect scenerio for the love and support to kindle. We are all one.
ReplyDeleteMr. Kirby should focus on his own Ward as it needs the most help. Seems he has Ward One envy.
ReplyDeleteWhy should Kirby care about his own Ward, the only Ward the boy-Mayor ever discusses is Ward One. Kirby is a Master Media manipulator.
ReplyDeleteWard One and Ward Six rule ?
ReplyDeleteThe think-they-haves 1 and the have-knots 6 and the bitter-wish-I-had-more-but-am-left-bitter ( FOER)
ReplyDeleteYet there is no a single initiative or ordinance championed that directly improves the lives of Kirby's own Ward. Lot of talk but not a lot of walk. He needs to roll ups the sleeves and get to work. He's not the only one but seems to be the one most interested in Wards other than his own.
ReplyDeleteThe decades long Ward One agenda that has locked up Annapolis debate over honky tonk liquor establishments with the vomit, urination & public fornication in the front yard complaints has finally run its course and is complete. Thank goodness Alderman Kirby took this unequal bars hours issue on and resolved things.
ReplyDeleteAnnapolis can now move on to more important matters that need to be addressed like the budget, transportation and traffic, the environment - creek water quality & stormwater and neighborhood liveablilty for all and not just the select few who live closest to City Hall and are the loudest and wealthy enough to bring their influence to the forefront of tyhe politicians attention.
What will the newspaper write about now ? They won't be able to roll out the same old story year in and year out.
ReplyDeletePolice Beat is the newspapers biggest read & crime stories. It will reformat as a True Detective tabloid.