Meine Kinder:
I am not King of George.
I am his psychoanalyst. And I have asked for this space from the King to perform an important public service.
We need to talk about your fixation with Herr Paul Foer.

The King provides discourse on political perfidy. And you trash Mr. Foer. The King comments about on the sell out of the city. And you trash Mr. Foer. And now the King discloses Alderman Kirby's plan to send our dogs to war. And you still trash Mr. Foer.
You are clearly sick.
It is clearly a case of projection. Just because Mr. Foer compares Hitler to County Exec Leopold. Or hates African Americans. Or represents Landmark Communications in hate filled emails to others.
It is all really your problem.

It's your turn to talk it out. So close your eyes. Pretend you are in meine office, group therapy, and telling us all about your childhood traumas.
That involve Mr. Paul Foer.
The Shrink of George
I onced tried to do business with the Foer , he was accommodating, However, he did not listen to my needs and requests. Instead he chose to make assumptions without knowing my background. He presented, I rejected. I assumed it was business. He took it personally. He called me a jerk. I am not, he is.
ReplyDeleteJa. Ja.
ReplyDeleteSo vat exactly were your weening issues with your mother. And your vater? Did he beat du?
Shrink of George
Me mudder was accommodating, very nurturing, I suspect Foer's mother was absent , or lack mammary capacity and/or function. I was satisfied, Foer was left wanting. He wanted to suck, to sooth himself, to feel one with mudder, He envied my wholeness, perhaps he wanted to get his mudder's love though my acceptance, I rejected him wholly. He cursed me, yet he really cursed his mudder,
ReplyDeleteOur boy-mayor has mother issues. So does Woody Allen. Some of the aforementioned have daughters, Oy Vey,
Simon, can du tell the group exactly how much sucking you experienced with Mr. Foer? Was it as much as you experienced with your own mutter?
ReplyDeleteShrink of George
I sucked me mudder, and I can only assume Foer sucked his mudder, we never sucked together, or each other, nor have our mudder's ( if indeed his lived through his birth) met each other or were we together while sucking our mother's. I assume if foer sucked his mudder it was for too short of a time as he seems to lack a sense of completeness or wholenss I , a full term sucker, have in abundance.
ReplyDeleteObviously you need help.
ReplyDeleteCall meine office. $350 / hr.
Paul Foer speaks the truth to power. The Democratic Elite shall see the results this Fall as "We the People" stand up and take our Government back from the wanton big spenders who squander our precious tax resources.
ReplyDeleteYou have been fairly warned...
zis tea partier zat we have now before us shares a anal fixation not unlike ze one vee find in Ze Foer. they both also are fixated upon indetifying with the Don Dwyertonian version of linetarianistic oedipally fixated Napoleon complexed based penis magnitude envy.
ReplyDelete'tis not uncommon for a male child with superior , more academically gifted and accomplished siblings to lash out in anger toward others as Foer does. It is his way of crying out to his mother for attention. In this respect we are all his mother, and our reactions to him further instill in him a feeling of inferiority that is perpetuated until such time as a complete mental breakdown causes him to temporarily re-evaulate his motives and behaviors. For a while , while in this state of transitory clarity-with full knowledge that he is not as smart and witty, nor better than those he tries to demean--he may seem charming and well-mannered but his condition is precarious and he constantly retreats into self-destructive behaviors that lead to further alienation. deeper self-loathing and increased anti-social rhetorical patterns. The cycle is chronic, worsens with age and will ultimately result in a total lack of connection with others , alienation from spouse and children as Foer's pathological self-sense of mission and righteousness makes him untreatable .
ReplyDeleteJa. Ja.
ReplyDeleteYou all have a clear case of Foer-a-phobia. Latent MowMowLectual may have it right.
Nevertheless, you have projected the disease upon yourself.
Shrink of George
Foer rocks your world - Ask Dems.
ReplyDeleteHmmmmm, very intersting.....Foer and rocks..... tell me anonymous...how long did your father abuse you before or after the death of his unborn daughter ?
ReplyDeleteFoer has proved to be right more than wrong.
ReplyDeleteyes, right, extreme right. Wants to oust the blacks and all.....
ReplyDeleteThe Foer's therapy is working as he has once again spoken truth in his weekly column !!!! Thank you Dr. Freud.
ReplyDeleteFoer is a genius as he gets under the skin of the powerful and connected who don't like to be called out on the carpet.
ReplyDeleteFoer Rules.
ReplyDeletecat got the king's tongue...
ReplyDeleteFoer has regained the trust of the People by cutting Cohen to the quick
ReplyDeletelittle major speaks for big major
ReplyDeletePaul has learned to love again and has regained his throne as proclaimer of Emperor nudity. He has grown tired of inflaming the poor for common notoriety, he has surrendered his role of personal-responsibility preacher to the racists and re-joined the fight against the status quo. He is now with us among the light of truth, the light that will burn away the stink emanating from the Annapolis pols .
ReplyDeleteKingster -- you seem to have blocked libido...
ReplyDeleteThe people await a pronouncement from on high as we the petite bourgeoisie have suffered a stunning setback in recent weeks. Whither shall we of the Ancient Citte go in our time of need oh King of George ?
ReplyDeletedo tell...
Le Roi est mort.
ReplyDeleteLeroy did what? I told you public housing is a breeding ground for violence and crime.