It is all an unfortunate misunderstanding. Issues of residency always are.
A rumor is circulating about blogger and property line advocate Mr. Paul Foer. Purportedly, he has suffered some personal inconveniences and has been forced to relocate from his abode on Boucher Avenue in Eastport. To someplace called 'Severna Park'.

It's also interesting to note this is the same Mr. Paul Foer who was outraged - outraged I say! - at residency issues he promoted around Ms. Zina Pierre.
To put this to rest, I can definitively state that at Monday night's City Council meeting he still claimed to be a resident of Boucher Avenue. And made that claim to the entire Council and Mayor. On TV and on the record.
Bully for him!
When I give testimony to the High Commissioner for Hamilton, I always reaffirm my Bermudian citizenship. As I do to the Council of Davos when I am in Confoederatio Helvetica. And with the Minister of Rangoon, I am Burmese.
So I get it. Lecturing the City Council yet not residing in Annapolis detracts so much from the message. Similar to showing your credit cards and preaching frugality while living on the Melart Jewelry trust fund.

From wherever he does it from.
King of George
Foer, what a stooge! He's worth his weight in hilarity.
ReplyDeleteWhy, excatly, has he left Annapolis? Anyone know?
My this is news - Political Hypocrisy in Annapolis! setting a new record for double standards perhaps ?
ReplyDeleteYes, but what is the real story? Has he been kicked out of Annapolis?
ReplyDeleteWhat did Severna Park ever do to Annapolis to deserve this?
ReplyDeleteDearest Readers:
ReplyDeleteRumor is he is quite the fellow on the cocktail circuit. Entertaining to the S.P.ers.
He hasn't turned on them yet...
King of George
This is an idle rumor it seems to me. He wouldn't testify before the City Council if this were true would he ? He wopuldn't be that dopey. This needs validation - maybe if i see it on a Facebook page I will report it as fact like the Zina Pierre gig.
ReplyDeleteFoer seems to getting closer to Republicans in the county and announcing their events (Elephant Club) as heard on WNAV radio yesterday. He ignored the Jefferson Jackson Day event on his broadcast. Perhaps he is just a closet Republican.
Foer wasn't running for Mayor (like Zina), so it doesn't really matter where he lives - a minor detail overlooked in the King's propaganda.
ReplyDeleteI say Severna Park is not far enough. Perhaps we can send him to Brooklyn....New York
ReplyDeletePaul has never explained the free psychological counseling he got from the City of Annapolis before he was fired. Tax payers should be mortified. Ellen Moyer wrote about it in her blog.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see that in CP!
Did anyone see him ranting on The Capital about someone not disclosing himself. What a tool. I know many people that specifically will not comment on his blog just because how vile he can be and one never knows how he will react from one minute to the next. I am sure his wife and kids are proud to have Paul as a husband/dad.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how his Donation Drive is coming along. WIll he accept anonymouns contributions I wonder!
A Baltimore Sun reporter said he came onto her. 4 years ago. Told her that he wanted to take her sailing...
ReplyDeleteWord is there is weird and freaky shit out there on Foer.
ReplyDeleteIs he gay? What are people talking about?
ReplyDeleteThey are talking about his personal affairs. And it must stop. they are none of your business.
ReplyDeleteHe has very good reasons for moving to Severna Park.
A person's relationships must not be discussed publicly. No matter how much you want to.
Right. Leave Paul alone.
ReplyDeleteHis personal trials are not to be discussed. Certainly not here.
But why did Paul lie to the City Council? That's a legit question, right?
ReplyDeleteNo. Stay away from Foer's personal life. It does not belong here. Question Purcell, Cohen, Kirby, Weikel and Finlayson.
ReplyDeleteThey need to be questioned.
Personally, I am sick of watching Paul's behavior. Especially towards women. We all know the stories here. But they are only stories.
ReplyDeletePaul was asked to leave by his wife. I wish them both well to start new lives.
I would like to extend an olive branch, but cannot.
Paul has brought most of this criticism on himself. He is quite simply a miserable person.
ReplyDeleteRegarding personal issues being off limits, I tend to agree; but ironically enough it was Paul who is usually the one to bring other people's personal issues to the front of the line.
Boucher Babe
ReplyDeletewhere exactly do you live? how does anyone know you are really who you say you are?
It has been presumed that King=Weikel or a FOE. I find it amusing that Paul has made a mini career (albeit unpaid) of airing other peoples dirty laundry and now he appears to be having some of his own laundry aired as well. They say people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Karma will get you every time.
ReplyDeleteI am a close neighbor of the Foers. He has created a lot turmoil with his neighborhood law suits, etc...
ReplyDeleteThis is not my fight nor is it yours. Let them setlle their differences without violence.
"without violence"?
ReplyDeleteBoucher Babe you are outta line. Paul is an Annapolitan extraordinaire. Let him be.
ReplyDeleteAt least Julie Stankivic still lives in the City of Annapolis. She is strong enough to be not living with her boy toy in Pasadena.
ReplyDeletePaul kicked my dog. At the Parade of Boats, he said he was sorry. Really?
ReplyDeleteLet Anna speak.
ReplyDeleteso let's synthesize these comments.
ReplyDeletefoer got kicked out by his wife for having an affiar with a woman from severna park and now he is living with her there?
what's the big deal? lying to the council?
i think this is a witch hunt. leave paul to find his true love. apprently severna parkers love paul.
it's his personal life. others should leave it alone.
where does paul get to respond?
Dearest Readers:
ReplyDeleteLet's shut it down for tonight. I promise a new forum to vent spleen tomorrow. Really.
It was an extraordinary day today for visitors. Thank you.
You have stories to tell and I respect that. Let's carry on tomorrow.
King of George
OK King-o.
ReplyDeleteVive Le Roi!
Typical liberal democratic bs. Just avoid the issue.
ReplyDeleteThis is outrangeous Why is it that the whole debate is around paul foer and his friend Why not around ellen moyer and dale They are not married
ReplyDeleteBecause Paul Foer is off with his mistress in SP. The Ridouts have had mistresses for centuries. Deal with that.
ReplyDeleteFoer is an evil little mf.
ReplyDeleteWow. Paul really does hate the world. Does the world hate him?