Dearest Friends:
Shocking news in the Ancient Citte. M. Elliott has been ousted.
Long know for public service and contributions to the citte in so many ways, the ouster will have a profound impact. In fact, it is not at all clear that the citte can sustain another body blow of this nature.
Diane Elliott served on the Recreation Advisory Board and was well known to all. She oversaw the opening of the Roger 'Pip' Moyer Center and the growth in many rec programs cherished by all Annapolitans. Her resignation was announced over the weekend.
In a related item, her husband Tim has also resigned as the citte's Finance Director. A replacement is expected to be quickly named with no interruption to city business.
King of George
It was about time someone put this man out to pasture--though a thorough investigation into his recent failures would have served the public good. In fact, maybe it is just another sign of the boy-mayor being soft in the arena of people of his parents generation. Once again the boy-mayor has shown his inability to be truly transparent.
ReplyDelete"Recall Cohen" ---the rallying cry of Annapolis after Cohen's term is over. Sort of a : 'we won' be fooled again' for Annapolitans of discriminating taste.
ReplyDeleteyou mean 'Remember the Alamo!!"
ReplyDeleteWho says you can't fight city Hall ?
ReplyDeleteCan anyone confirm that the consultant brought in to assist has walked after what he immediately discovered? Seems concurrent to Mr. Elliott resigning (or was he asked to resign)? Can anyone confirm a rumor that an investigation has begun? That payroll may not be met?
ReplyDeleteyes, don't know and yes.
ReplyDeleteSeems the new financial consultant jumped ship before getting onboard thanks, in no small part, to attending the Special Council Meeting and seeing a sinking ship. Payroll? ummmm, errr ... do you get fries with that? Free food at the Market House! Oh! ... we're still working on that, too.
is it true all of the employees of the harbormaster's office are white ? Also, is it true a large rat is living in city hall ?
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of complainers - get a life...
ReplyDeletelot's of time for the ponies now...
ReplyDeleteWhy is there a dog in the p and z offices ?
ReplyDeleteThe dog is there to see if you pass the smell test to get zoning for your project(s). Sometimes it provides security when no one else is around at the front desk or answering the phones.
ReplyDeleteIf the little dog doesn't like you then you don't get to move to the next level of review and get to pursue bureaucratic dead ends and blind alleys until you give up and go away - either that or spend tens of thousands of dollars on a local lawyers fees to the same end - depending on whom you hire.
If you kick the dog sometimes you can bypass things for awhile but then then the master and friends are angry and other problems creep up.
If you are nice to the dog it is ok for awhile but you go nowhere to smiles, pats on teh back and good feelings.
The best thing to do is quietly to slip the dog a tteat then it comes back for more and you become a favored one.
That's just the way it works in Mayberry.
Cohen hung Elliott out to dry in his latest youtube video at around the 4:20 mark. I guess it is clear now that he did for all intents and purposes fire him.
ReplyDeleteFoyer also insinuated that Leopold left Hawaii because of some sexual misconduct. He's a tool--Foyer not Leopold!
ReplyDeleteTIM-MAY! TIM-MAY!
ReplyDeleteFoer removed his Hitler reference but I have a copy for my records.
ReplyDeleteHi my name is Josh, I suck at being a Mayor. I want my old job back and my mommy
ReplyDeleteAlderwoman Classie Hoyle at a Council meeting equated changing the law to lift the ban on 2 am licenses to changing the law to prohibit slavery. Really? Boozing it up for 2 more hours is akin to the Emancipation Proclamation?
ReplyDeleteFoer is not a racist - he is a rantist.
ReplyDeleteHoyle is right. There are comparable aspects.
ReplyDeleteOn Foyer's WNAV show on 4th he was babbling about some event he was at and talking about the people he met and then he goes on to say oh and there was this black guy....really Paul, is that the only thing you picked out him was that he was black?
ReplyDeleteAnd removing the Hitler reference...how fukkin hippocritical are you? Just last year, you were bashing the republicans and Joyce Thomann for making a reference to Hitler and Obama. I guess what is good for the goose ain't good for the gander.
babbling blogger?
ReplyDeleteNow let us not pick on Paul. He is without a doubt a man who dislikes 'others'. He dislikes Palestinians, blacks, Leopolds, people who like to remain anonymous and most black politicians. Paul overstepped his own boundaries when he compared Leopold to Hitler, but we must realize he has just come of the buzz of his popularity as race-baiter in his hometown annapolis article and was testing his limits. I think he found them.
ReplyDeleteCohen has proclaimed an end to all of the budget problems. Because he said it, so it is. In fact, even on good years the city was forced to secretly borrow 16 million dollars. Its just a cash flow problem. Normal course of business in organizations with balanced budgets.
ReplyDeleteAnnapolitans are rich and they can pay.