Dear Citizens:
It's almost the long 4th weekend and... time for an amusing game of the Ancient Citte!
Which window pictured above belongs to Mayor Josh Cohen?

Yes, it appears the Furher Bunker is back. Albeit awash in Aubrey Bodine photos from The Annapolis Gallery. Paranoia still stalks the halls of the hall. At least in one person's mind.

And today is moving day. Former CAO Doug Smith is moving on and out of his office. Herr Smith was noted clutching his personal effects in a card board box as space was being made for Mr. Mallinoff's ascension to the throne. Too bad he wasn't given 5 minutes to move out like he gave the 33 public servants he fired.

And, other news continues to percolate. You see the infamous contracted pay-for-silence program has ended (see:
Silence Can Be Golden, April 5th). Unafraid of having Herr Smith's contracted cash cut off, former senior city employees are now turning up spilling the beans.
And these beans could turn out to be quite dirty.
The King must remain mum at the moment. But re-read earlier posts. It's all already out there.
Happy Indepenednce Day to you ruffians. Although, as a loyalist, I won't be celebrating. God save the Queen.
And the King too.
King of George
Give me break! Won't you pleeeassseee leave the Mayor alone!
ReplyDeleteReally! Can't the man have a little privacy in the Annapolis fishbowl ?
ReplyDeleteNever leave the boy mayor alone. He must be monitored at every turn. He is a desperate boy and can not be trusted. We have photos.
ReplyDeleteHey, if you don't want to live in a fishbowl, you don't go into politics. Certainly Josh knows that.
ReplyDeletesomeone told me that in a fit of paranoid panic Cohen pulled his blog. I did not know he even had a blog.
ReplyDeleteCohen can take it easy now. He has a real City Manager with experience. He should go on a long vacation like Ellen Moyer.
ReplyDeleteCohen can read books to children, cut ribbons and use a golden shovel to remove the first scoop of dirt. He is where he belongs now, in talking head world, glad-handing and schmoozing with developers. Josh should be grateful for his government job it was a gift from the annapolis democratic committee.
ReplyDeleteThe definition for a Mayor & his duties in a weak mayor system with a Professional ICMA Certified City Manager.
ReplyDeleteWard One and the Tax Cappers should be happy now with Smith held in reserve as the man to cut and trim.
Who does Smith work for?
I wonder what Josh is doing this weekend ? Is he staying and home in West Annapolis, going away for a long vacation, crying himself to sleep in his mommy's arms......what will he do?
ReplyDeleteWhy did Cohen pull his blog ? Does he not know it still exists on the wayback machine ?
ReplyDeleteThe blog is still up and running. Just not updated in a bit.
ReplyDeleteMr. Smith has done a fine job of protecting our purses from being raided by the commoners.
ReplyDeletePerhaps now he can work on our long term agenda of privatizing of our streets to keep the undesirables from passing through -- especially from Eastport and West Street.
The gates would of course be kept open to traffic for those doing business in the community from 8Am to 10 PM. Servants, to pass through the gates, would need to be accompanied by the master or mistress of the house or family.
I think we should put a domed lid over all of downtown annapolis so the residence can smell their own farts.
ReplyDeleteRumour has it Boy Josh be encapsulated in his boy-mayor version of the Pope Mobile ? How many personal police escorts will he require ?