Gentle People:
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Albeit a decorated US Army American hero wimp. But a wimp just the same.
His Republican opponent in the County Council District 4 race, one Charlotte Weinstein, has a track record. A very interesting one in fact. She is an attorney who has been very successful at defending sex offenders. (And with success comes money, n'est-ce pas?)
Click here. (Better read this now before they 'scrub' the website.)
So, let's take a look at some of the cases she has claimed a hand in:
"Rape ... Not Guilty Jury Verdict"
"Child Molestation ... Not Guilty Jury Verdict, Other Charges Dismissed"
"Child Molestation ... Reduced to Misdemeanor"
"Third Degree Sexual Abuse ... Favorable Plea"
"Child Abuse ... Judgment of Acquittal"
Her own web based bio says:
"Charlotte Weinstein has devoted 90% of her practice to litigation in criminal and family law. Her combination of criminal and civil litigation experience has made her a particularly effective force in the defense of sex crimes and other criminal charges that typically involve family relationships." (Emphasis added.)
Yes, every criminal needs a defender. Even the vile and guilty ones. But does that mean these defenders should also get elected to the County Council?
It's too bad Councilman Benoit refuses to talk about the track record of his opponent. Voters have a right to know the records of their candidates.
Even candidates some believe have vile and guilty ones.
King of George
Yes, every criminal needs a defender. Even the vile and guilty ones. But does that mean these defenders should also get elected to the County Council?

Even candidates some believe have vile and guilty ones.
King of George
what happened to that little blue dress?
ReplyDeleteThe thing is if Benoit started doing that sort of thing people would bring up the time he used his political position to get a liquor license for his wife's store in Piney Orchard.
ReplyDeleteBenoit - speak up man!
ReplyDeleteFred Schubbie is defending sex offenders now. Figures.
ReplyDeleteThen where does the whole Republican establishment stand on sex predators? Leopold now Weinstein.
Don Dwyer, where are you?
A quick call to the liquor board reveals that Shubbie is full of it. Benoit's wife applied for the license in early 2005 and was granted the license in February 2006. Benoit didn't get elected until November 2006.
ReplyDeleteAll that begs the question of why the GOP continues to put such flawed candidates on the ballot. C'mon a person who defends rapists? This is the stuff campaign consultants dream will fall into their lap one day.
All signs from Benoit's website www.jamiebenoit.com point to him keeping quiet. Army vet, family man, the whole boy next door schtick. He won't say anything. I don't know the guy but it seems he's either a wimp like King of George says or too polite. Besides does he have to get in the mud to beat this girl?
ReplyDeleteShe represents sexual offenders for chrissake.
Are all Republicans deviants and defenders of deviants?
ReplyDeleteI don't think so. But perhaps Leopold should investigate the services of Ms. Weinstein.
If Benoit keeps quiet he would be an embarassment to the United States Army in which he proudly served. Its a war: exploit, overwhelm and defeat the enemy. Make Sun Tzu proud.
ReplyDeleteWhy does The Capital refuse to talk about this latest sex scandal involving elected and wanna be elected officials?
ReplyDeleteBecause it doesn't fit their defense of Republican sexual predators. Marquardt, Stewart and the fat kid won't come within 100 feet of anything that implies impropriety of their agenda.
Oh, but let Willie Don Schaffer look cross eyed at a woman and it is in their hate filled paper for weeks...
It's true.
ReplyDeleteFor the Capital, it is OK to commit sex crimes as long as you are a Republican.
There's enough rumors around about Tom Marquardt's secret sexual fetishes to make that charge stick. After all, he's been around a long time.
ReplyDeleteDearest Readers:
ReplyDeleteLet's try to stay on topic: why M. Benoit refuses to tell us the track record on his opponent.
Comments on the strange behaviors of Marquardt and the fat kid don't fit that bill.
King of George
But dear King, look at some of the BS Marquardt and Erin Cox at The Capital dished up on Weinstein on August 30th:
ReplyDelete'Weinstein said that, if elected, she would deliver the honesty and transparency constituents deserve.
"Citizens want to be educated. They want honesty, and they don't feel like they're getting honesty," Weinstein said. "They're wanting accessibility, and they don't feel like they're getting accessibility."'
Right. Like telling us she defends pedophiles and rapists.
Check these perverts out:
They are fully qualified to be Republican Elected Officials in Anne Arundel County!
Please! Jamie Benoit won't talk about it because he knows The Capital won't cover it.
ReplyDeleteUse some logic folks!
Turns out her campaign Treasurer is ... her boss at the sex crimes defense law firm.
ReplyDeleteOh, so you some transparency eh? Charlotte, if you get elected who will you be working for?
Citizens of District 4? Or shuttling sex crimes cases to your boss?
Why SHOULD he talk about it? Weinstein has a snowball's chance in hell of winning anyway.
ReplyDeleteSo how is Louie Tanko's slander suit against Eric (a.k.a. 'the fat kid') Hartley going?
ReplyDeleteAnyone know?
transparency cuts 2 ways.
ReplyDeletePerhaps if they get elected Ms. Weinstein and Mr. Leopold can rezone part Annapolis Mall for the latest County attraction "Bear Bear's Park at the Dog Park."
ReplyDeleteThe Park will feature totally secluded parking places where County Employees can engage in adulterous sex while on County Time and simultaneously let their dogs for a run. Their will be coin operated .22 gauge guns so passersby can shoot the dogs and score points.
This attraction would solve lots of problems:
1) Leopold could engage in his behavior without all that public scrutiny stuff.
2) Weinstein and all the Bear-Bear lovers could have a nice safe dog park in which to run. Weinstein could also leave her business cards on windshields in the parking lot in case one of the trists gets out of hand.
3) The coin-operated firearms would aid our revenue shortfalls while also controlling the pet population.
Why won't The Capital talk about the slander suit against them and Hartley?
ReplyDeleteThis is newsworthy. Your choice of how to make a living does speak to your ability to hold office. If a developer ran for office, you better believe the paper would be on it. If a developer ran for office you better believe the papers would be on it. Likewise, if a stripper, the owner of an adult video store or or a Hooters girl ran the paper would be talking about it.
ReplyDeleteWhen someone who makes their living trying to secure reduced sentences and not-guilty verdicts for vile monsters runs for office. People should know. Just like they should know that Leopold is one of them, they should know that Weinstien represents them.
Leopold did nothing wrong...
ReplyDeleteYeah. It also speaks volumes that Jamie has not said a word.
ReplyDeleteWe expect the paper to shield right wing deviant defenders, but not Benoit.
Why should Benoit speak up? She has almost zero chance of beating him. By even acknowledging her presence, it gives her undue publicity.
ReplyDelete"A quick call to the liquor board reveals that Shubbie is full of it. "
ReplyDeleteCall back and ask for zoning and variances and keep calling until you find out the truth Benoit is hiding. I am prohibited from giving the details.
Agreed Benoit should keep his trap shut. He's got the race in the bag.
ReplyDeleteYou make a general statement that can cause various people to reach several different conclusions, then you hide behind the fact that you can't disclose the details. That's a cheap shot if you ask me.
I am unable to reply to your comment at this time, but look forward to a constructive dialogue after you have done the research.
ReplyDeleteI know who Shubbie is. I'll out him if he keeps up with his BS.
ReplyDeleteGetting back to point, Benoit should probably use this info. Seems like a mortal blow to an otherwise longshot candidacy. Its sort of like when the cheetah chases the baby zebra. He doesn't run less fast or bite less hard because his meal is small and weak. I say Benoit should sink his fangs right in and put this thing away in September.
He won't do it but I have to admit it would make good campaign humor. I have gotten to know him attending Council meetings and such and he seems too nice, too laid back. If she goes after him, all bets are off, then I think the Army comes out in him. Based on thw Capital he does seem to have plenty of money to wage a nasty race though.
ReplyDeleteI know who anonymous is, he is the real Fred Shubbie.
ReplyDeleteWhat is wrong about good lawyering ? People are sometimes not guilty of that which they are charged are they not ?
ReplyDeleteIt's not about the lawyering. I agree great lawyers are vital to the justice system. Just like the lobbyists for oil companies are vital to good energy policy. But career choices are relevant to the electoral decision about whether someone is suitable for public office. I don't want someone who sides with rapists and enron representing me.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Charlottte can represent Leopold. It would be efficient if they are both in the Arundel Center. This would be a good reason to vote Republican.
ReplyDeleteInteresting about Benoit owning a Liquor store in piney orchard, I thought they prohibited that sort of thing there ? Interesting.
ReplyDeleteStop casting aspersions about Benoit. He was a soldier, he risked his life for our country.
ReplyDeleteIs Weinstein running for judge? Or county council? Council approves zoning. What does that have to do with her day job?
ReplyDeleteRight! Leave her alone. She got me off!
ReplyDeletegot you off ? Did you cuddle afterwards.
ReplyDeleteGive us a break. You are all deviants and Don Dwyer will hunt you down and bring you to justice.
ReplyDeleteCongratualtions King on your ranking as the #1 most perfectly popular blog in Annapolis.